Python Variables

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In Python, a variable is a named location in memory where a value can be stored and retrieved. When you create a variable, you give it a name, and you can use the name to access the value stored in the variable.

To create a variable in Python, give it a name and assign it a value using the equal sign (=).

For example:

Here, x is an integer variable with a value of 10 , and y is a string variable with a value of "Hello, World!" .

To access the value of a variable, simply use the variable name.

For example:

You can also perform operations on variables and assign the result to a new variable:

When you create a variable in Python, you do not need to define its type. Based on the value you enter, the interpreter will automatically assign a type to the variable. In the code above, for example, x is an integer and y is a string.

It’s generally a good idea to give your variables descriptive names to make your code easier to understand. For example, instead of using x and y , you might use price and item_name to make it clear what the variables are used for.

Rules for creating Python variables:

  • Variable names can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. They cannot start with a number.
  • Python is case-sensitive, so my_variable_name is not the same as my_Variable_Name . It’s a good practice to use lowercase letters and underscores for variable names.
  • You cannot use Python keywords (e.g. def , for , while , etc.) as variable names.
  • It’s a good idea to use descriptive names for your variables to make your code easier to read and understand. For example, teacher_name is a much clearer name than x .

Deleting variable in Python:

You can use the del statement to delete a variable.

For example:

Assigning a single value to multiple variables

You can also assign the same value to multiple variables in a single line of code.

For example:

Assigning different values to multiple variables

You can assign different values to multiple variables in a single line of code.

Python Variable Type:

You can use the type() function to check the type of a variable in Python. For example:

In Python, you don’t need to specify the type of a variable when you create it. The interpreter automatically assigns the correct type to the variable based on the value you assign to it.

Python has a number of built-in data types that you can use to store values in variables. These include:

  • int (for integers)
  • float (for floating point numbers)
  • complex (for complex numbers)
  • bool (for boolean values True and False )
  • str (for strings)
  • list (for lists)
  • tuple (for tuples)
  • set (for sets)
  • dict (for dictionaries)

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