Difference Between List and Tuple in Python

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List and Tuple are complex data types in Python. It is used to store multiple items in a single variable. A list or tuple can contain any type of element.

In python, List creates using an angle bracket “[]” while Tuple creates using a parenthesis “()”.

Lists are mutable, which means they may be altered or updated after they are created, but tuples are immutable, which means they cannot be changed or modified after they are created.

A list can be copied into a new List but Tuple is immutable so cannot be copied.

List iteration is slower and more time-consuming than Tuple iteration.

Difference Between List and Tuple in Python

Here is the difference between List and Tuple in Python in Tabular form:

Parameters List Tuple
Type A list is mutable. A tuple is immutable in nature.
Memory Consumption It is capable of consuming more memory. It is capable of consuming less memory.
Time Consumption The list iteration is more time-consuming. It is comparatively much slower than a tuple. The tuple iteration is less time-consuming. It is comparatively much faster than a list.
Methods It comes with multiple in-built methods. These have comparatively lesser built-in methods.
Usage It is quite useful for deletion and insertion tasks. It is most useful for doing read-only actions, such as accessing items.
Prone to Error The list operations are comparatively much more error-prone. Some unexpected changes and alterations may take place. The tuple operations are very safe and not very error-prone.

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