Difference Between MySQL, MySQLi and PDO Extensions

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MySQL, MySQLi, and PDO (PHP Data Objects) are all MySql PHP extensions that provide different interfaces for connecting to and interacting with a MySQL database.

Here is a brief overview of the main differences between MySQL, MySQLi, and PDO:

MySQL Extension:

The MySQL extension is a legacy extension that is no longer actively maintained by the PHP team. It provides a set of functions for connecting to and interacting with a MySQL database, such as mysql_connect() and mysql_query() .

However, this extension is vulnerable to security risks such as SQL injection attacks, and it does not support prepared statements or object-oriented programming. Because of these issues, it is not recommended to use this extension for new projects.

MySQLi (MySQL Improved) Extension:

The MySQLi (MySQL Improved) extension was developed as a replacement for the MySQL extension, with the goal of addressing some of the security and feature gaps present in the MySQL extension.

It provides a set of functions for connecting to and interacting with a MySQL database, such as mysqli_connect() and mysqli_query() . In addition to these functions, it also provides a set of object-oriented methods for working with databases, such as mysqli->query() and mysqli->prepare() .

MySQLi also supports prepared statements, which can help prevent SQL injection attacks by separating the data being passed to the database from the SQL query itself.

PDO Extension:

The PDO (PHP Data Objects) extension is a more modern extension that provides a database-agnostic interface for interacting with databases. This means that you can use the same set of functions and methods to connect to and query a variety of different database systems, including MySQL, Oracle, and SQLite.

PDO supports both object-oriented and procedural programming styles, and it provides a set of functions for working with prepared statements, such as PDO->prepare() and PDOStatement->execute() .

Overall, PDO is considered the best choice for connecting to a database in PHP due to its flexibility and security. It is more modern and feature-rich than the MySQL and MySQLi extensions, and it provides a consistent interface for working with multiple database systems.

However, if you are working with an existing codebase that uses MySQL or MySQLi, you may need to continue using those extensions.

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