Angular interview questions

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A list of Angular interview questions are given below, which are commonly asked during the interview. Based on their experience, candidates can be asked basic to advanced level Angular interview questions.

The following list includes all of the most important Angular questions for both beginners and experienced developers.

  1. What is routing guard in Angular?
  2. What is equivalent of ngshow and nghide in Angular?
  3. What is component and why should we use it?
  4. What is the difference between @Component and @Directive?
  5. What is observable?
  6. Why would you protect a component being activated through the router?
  7. How do you categorize data binding types?
  8. What is the proposed of wildcard route?
  9. When would you use eager module loading?
  10. How do you perform error handling in Observable?
  11. Why should ngOnInit be used you already be a constructor?
  12. What is Multicasting?
  13. How do you perform error handling for HttpClient?
  14. What is the difference between declaration, providers, and import in NgModule?
  15. What is reactive programming and how does it relate to Angular?
  16. Are there any pros/cons(especially performance-wise) in local storage to replace cookie functionality?
  17. What is lvy renderer?
  18. What are the life cycle hooks for components and directives?
  19. What is angular universal?
  20. Dependency injection in Angular?
  21. Change detection on angular.
  22. How to get query string value in Angular?
  23. Architecture model of Angular.
  24. Architecture model of Angular component.
  25. What is template-driven form and what is it used?
  26. What is string interpolation in Angular?
  27. What is Lazy Loading in Angular?

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