Computer Basic Quiz

Computer basic Quiz or general knowledge for competitive exam preparations. It’s cover Input and output device, cursor movement.

Total Questions: 17

1. Is the speaker an output device?

2. Is the keyboard an output device?

3. Is the printer an input device?

4. Is the mouse an input device?

5. Are your eyes output devices of your body?

6. A computer uses an output device to show us something?

7. We use input devices to tell the computer what to do?

8. Which key allows you to move to the next line?

9. Which key allows you to move the cursor to the top of the page?

10. Which key allows to delete the letter to the left of the cursor?

11. Which key allows you to delete the letter to the right of the cursor?

12. Which key allows you to create a blank space between two words?

13. Which key allows you to type in capitals?

14. Which key allows you to move the cursor to the end of the page?

15. Which key allows You to use to type numbers?

16. Which key allows you to write letters?

17. Which key allows you to move the cursor up, down, left or right?